MovieChat Forums > Bad Johnson (2014) Discussion > No comments on a movie about a guy's c0c...

No comments on a movie about a guy's c0ck leaving him?

A tale of a man and his detached pen!s. At least it's not a remake.


This sounds like a hilarious movie. Not the movie itself, but just the concept.


I wouldn't mind meeting Cam's c**k! ;)


I laughed hysterically at the synopsis lol.

Is the movie out or...


it is! or rather a rip-off of an original musical from a couple of years ago from Starkid (the group that did the Harry Potter spoof musicals) called Me & My Dick. the premise is almost identical!

A bacon sandwich is essentially bread giving a dead pig a cuddle! ~ Russell Howard.



They make these pathetic movies because idiots pay.


Yeah they never made plays or wrote books with dirty plots, sure...


So stupid they couldn't get Adam Sandler to star.


Absolutely ZERO comment from me.

You're a married man, are you, Mr. Grady? Yes, sir. I have a wife and eh two daughters, sir.


The plot sounds hilarious but you just know it's a terrible movie. The trailer reminded me of the fake "Rob Schneider..." trailers from South Park
