MovieChat Forums > Azul y no tan rosa (2012) Discussion > My interest on watching this film depend...

My interest on watching this film depends on this (someone tell me)

Who dies?


My interest on answering depens on this

Why do you want to know that?


It looks like his partner does die. I enjoy watching movies with where the gay relationships are significant. I'm somebit tired of sad and depressing endings.


Although there is a significant death in the film (I'm not going to spoil it), it is not the climax of the film. The ending is resolutely hopeful for all of the characters.


... it is not the climax of the film. The ending is resolutely hopeful for all of the characters.

Including the dead one? How do they pull that off, with a scene in heaven or something?

I'm with the OP on this - I'm tired of movies in which gay guys die, whether it's at the climax of the movie or at the end of the movie or anywhere else in the movie... and tacking on a happy ending makes it worse, not better. I guess once they get the gay guy out of the way all the rest of them can find "closure" and the other crap straight people whine about needing all the time.

In most movies about straight people, NOBODY dies. It's only us gays who have to be cut out like weeds so the straights can smile through their tears and have their happy endings and feel all good about themselves.

There have been enough movies about violence against gays, about men and boys getting intimidated or beaten up or killed because they're gay. There have been enough movies about sick gay men, and about miserable gay men. There have been enough movies in which being gay causes problems.

On the other hand, there also have been enough movies about stupid, shallow bitch queens and the equally stupid, shallow, hairless, tanned, West Hollywood gym boys. There have been enough movies in which being gay is creepy and unnatural.

Being gay is WONDERFUL. Being gay is a rich, deeply rewarding, very fulfilling life. It's a blessing to be gay, not a curse in any way at all. It's not an excuse to act up or be bitchy or torture your body into some creepy, unnatural, ideal form.

It's been essential to expose ALL of those things in the movies, but it's time to move past all that crap into movies in which gay men are happy, in stable relationships, whether they're monogamous or not, whether they're married or not, whether they have children or not. It's time for movies in which gay men are happy in themselves, even without a partner. It's time for movies in which gay men have normal jobs that have nothing to do with either fashion or show business.

It's time for movies about men who just ARE gay and LOVE being gay, but who aren't bitches or queens or outrageous in any way except their delight in being exactly who and what they are.

I'm not spoiling this movie, by the way. I haven't seen it, and so I don't know if the dead person is gay or not. Maybe the Venezuelans are way ahead of us Americans, because if this were an American movie, you can bet your house that the dead guy was gay. I've had enough of that garbage.

I recognize that gay Venezuelans may not have worked through all that negative crap yet, so I'm not criticizing this movie specifically. I'm just tired of the negativity and want something I can relate to instead of nothing but homophobia and Queer Eye types.


I'm sick of the endless tragic endings as well.... But it is not the case here. There is a sad moment, yes, but that is not the main focus and we do see a happy ending. Kudos to the soundtrack.


In addition, the death plays a significant role in the relationship between father and son, leading the one to show empathy (for the first time) for the other. That scene between them is one of the most touching moments in the film and a logical facet in the growth of their relationship.


Almost by definition, a romance, classically understood, has to have a "tragic ending". ROMEO AND JULIET? Check. TRISTAN UND ISOLDE? Check. Things have changed over the last 100 years somewhat and romantic comedies, of course, are different. Still, it would be incorrect to suggest this is a gay thing or, in all but a few cases, a result of homophobia. Read LOVE IN THE WESTERN WORLD and take a deep breath. With the exception of the .0001% of couples who die of old age in bed together on the same night, all romances end with one of the partners dying. Dramas depicting this are designed to be cathartic. All else is pandering to people afraid of feeling strong emotions at the theater.


This is not a case of "the" gay guy getting knocked off because every male in the movie, except the kid and his grandfather, is gay. Shoot any male and you've killed "a" gay guy.


I stopped watching when the second hate crime was initiated and someone pulls a gun to take revenge. There are two many other choices to get myself wrapped up in another movie that uses gay beatings and murders as a turning point.
I don't care if all the wretched family members had a change of heart at the end, it should not take murders to make family members decide to accept their gay children. And real life doesn't work that way anyway. These wretched homophobes do not change their spots.
