Review of the 84th Academy Awards

So, where were they?

At the end of the 83rd Academy Awards, we were greeted with a interesting rendition of Over the Rainbow by a chorus of high school kids, capping one of the most bizarre Oscar telecasts in history. Afterwards, everybody left except the Acting Oscar winners and several others. Throw in thirty other stars and you have the 84th Academy Awards, almost the same as the 83rd Oscars.

But this time, there was one host instead of two, thank goodness. And thank goodness we had Billy Crystal. I have to admit, I was a little misty when I saw him come back to the stage after eight years. His presentation of the nominated movies was funny and cute. But as the show progressed, I was a little disappointed. The smooth-talking, barb-filled Billy Crystal of previous Oscars was not present tonight. Instead, we were greeted with a more ingratiating, deferential Billy Crystal this year.

Or how about this? Perhaps he was a little uncomfortable being up there. I don't blame him: the older we get, the more relaxed we want to be. And we certainly do not want any pressure of standing in front of billions of people. Nonetheless, he was entertaining and charming as always.

The winners of tonight's Oscars were deserving. I was rooting, cheering, and weeping the moment Jean Dujardin's name was called. His performance as a silent film star feeling alienated by the advent of talking movies was one of the most brilliant performances I have ever seen. Dujardin used his body like an instrument in conveying the emotions of George Valentin.

I have to confess, I have not seen The Iron Lady, which has polarized audiences and critics. What was unanimous was Meryl Streep's remarkable performance as Margaret Thatcher. Isn't it ironic that the prime minister known for her steel conservatism suddenly became a sympathetic figure thanks to Meryl Streep? Perhaps if she played George W. Bush, maybe we would like him more.

The show promised to be a tribute to movies and it was, with dozens of movie stars recounting their emotions after seeing their first film. What I would like to have seen was recollections from everyday people like you and I, the unknowns. People getting up early in the morning, making much less than the 1 percent we have in Hollywood, and making a living for their families. I would like to see how much movies have affected them and how movies gave them an escape from their lives.

The show was shorter, much shorter than previous Oscar telecasts, but I would like to have seen more of how movies influenced our culture, which was what the 84th Oscars promised. Sure, we had the movie stars talking, but how else have movies shaped who we are?

Still, it was an entertaining Oscars. But, I must say, it was just like the last few telecasts, interesting and ultimately forgettable as time progresses.

On to the 85th.

Grade: A-


What I would like to have seen was recollections from everyday people like you and I...

I think they've done that before. I think it was the year after 9/11. I don't think it'll be necessary to add more to that segment; it'll just add more running time.

In other news: Billy was OK, but his schtick got a little old. I'm totally pulling for Will Ferrell to host. Either with Zach Galifianakis or Ben Stiller, or solo. Or Tina Fey with Amy Poehler.

I get the criticisms for the In Memoriam montage, but I thought it was a nice touch. Loved Esmeralda Spalding's rendition of "What A Wonderful World". Didn't get the musicians popping up and why only 2 songs were nominated for Best Song, but whatevs. Love Meryl Steep but was kinda pissed she beat Viola Davis for Best Actress. And correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Leonardo Dicaprio also nominated for Best Actor for J. Edgar? I swore I saw his name on the list of nominees when they were first announced. So what happened?


No, he wasn't. At the end, J. Edgar didn't get a single nomination.



Come to think of it, you said it better than I did. This Oscars telecast was as mind-numbing as the previous telecasts.

Perhaps I should take up watching Downton Abbey next time....unless they get Ricky Gervais.



Boooring show!
