Drive wasn't THAT great...

Drive is considered the biggest snub this year not to get any love...
Although I liked it, it's more a cult film than anything.

It applied to the demographic it was intended to get and its not a cinematic masterpiece.

The only argument people have is the soundtrack and Ryan Gosling's "incredible" acting...

This is what i say after seeing it couple of times.
If the slow motion sequences were gone, this movie would be like 1:15...
Its lack of dialogue doesn't make it 2001 a space odyssey.
It is clear that it is a low budget movie, and yes, it was made great, it never has the qualities of a great oscar film.

No, the biggest snub to not get ALL of the love, i.e. best picture or acting.. A Separation.


Either Drive or Separation would have been a better choice than Extremely Loud... That film was really like 50% extremely loud and 50% incredibly close.


Either nominate both A Separation and Drive.. or take out Loud and leave 8.

That was by far the shocker...
It didn't even have a chance..


Or they could have nominated Warrior, 50/50, or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

While they had their merits, I don't consider Midnight in Paris, The Tree of Life, or Moneyball to be "Best Picture" worthy.



It's OK, I think it was quite good, you think it was boring, but it was still better than Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.


I thought Midnight In Paris earned it. I had to re-watch Tree Of Life to understand, and agree with, the nomination. Moneyball was just, sort of... eh. Fun.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo didn't really break any ground, just exposed ground already broken.
Warrior and 50/50 should have been nominated, no question. I thought Beginners as well, although it's a 2010 film and I don't understand it's inclusion this year.


50/50 was really snubbed. It had a great screenplay and Joseph Gordon-Levitt should have been recognized for his portrayal. He could have easily replaced George Clooney because I honestly didn't understand why he was nominated for The Descendants.


"No, the biggest snub to not get ALL of the love, i.e. best picture or acting.. A Separation. "
Absolutely, 100%, I'm so pissed at the Academy for shafting A Separation.

"The only argument people have is the soundtrack and Ryan Gosling's "incredible" acting..."
Really? That's the best you've heard?

Well, I know no one asked, and no one cares, but this is why I thought Drive could have been a nominee (It's out of context, I know, but the point is the same):

"I liked that it was a story about a functioning sociopath trying to earn the rights to a normal life.
The character is all over the board in terms of being relatable, but not because of poor writing [IMO]. In fact it's the opposite.
Driver knows what he is: A monster. He never loses his cool and he deals with every situation, no matter how dangerous. He wants to not only earn the rights to a normal life, but prove to himself that there is more to him than an extremely efficient driver and killer. When he sees how the girl reacts to his defending her in the elevator, and his boss and mentor is murdered, he sees that because of what he is he can never escape the world of evil.
Hence his decision to turn his back on the scorpion at the end. He spares the beautiful family a life of being in danger, and his reward is getting to do what he does best, forever: Drive.
The film absolutely, positively, without a doubt could have used more action sequences. The few included were brilliantly executed but I'm with you. They should've had more. I did love the driving scenes, but most of the "driving" was metaphorical: He doesn't get to choose the road, just how he drives."
