*Yawn* Next...

Seriously, this movie was beyond boring. I get that it was going for a slow, home spun, indie flick feel, which is fine. You've still got to have things happening though. It's like they thought of a basic plot outline then filmed it without any actual writing process between the two.

Slow opening that takes forever to hammer home a point we got within 5 minutes, a meandering middle that doesn't really move the story forward as much as it should, and anti-climactic ending that goes nowhere.

Yeah yeah yeah it's like a fairly tale blah blah blah, still not interesting...

"You're the most highly intelligent person that no one has every achieved"- user PreciousGotFatAgain



Sorry but your response is a little vague, can you clarify it? What am I projecting? How do you project onto a movie? What's ironic? My post, or is your response an ironic joke? Is the part about 'oh the irony' your signature or part of your post? I'm not really sure what you mean...

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


I thought the movie had some potential during the first 25 minutes... I was neutral at that point... still curious, and hoping for the best. But I lost interest after the Mom died. Why? Well, no emotion... not a frown, nor a raised eyebrow, not even a single tear-drop from the kid upon learning his Mom was gone. I mean... couldn't the director have placed an onion near his face to induce a teardrop? Seriously. They seemed to have had a close mother/son bond, so I would have expected to see something other than a nonchalant "ah well, sei la vie" look when he discovered that she had passed away. Whether that was poor acting, or bad directing... I don't know, but the movie lost me at that point and I had to stop watching.

Shame, as I kind of like these outdoorsy/survivalist type of movies.

El-Mo! We wont go! What do we want? Cookies! When do we want them? Now!
