Was it a coincidence that CDC’s fraudulent BNL Health Assessment of 2011 was released after Welcome to Shirley was written? It’s a fraud because its Appendix C has dozens of tables for many sites where enormous Beta & Alpha radiation levels were measured in soil, groundwater, vegetation and the Peconic River for dozens of radionuclides, yet there is not one Gamma radiation test report like those in REMP reports dating back to 1947 such as those linked to
· “RADIOLOGICAL EMISSIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING FOR BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY, 1947 –1961” reveals enormous nuclear fallout from 29 uranium fuel cartridge explosions between 1952 & 1957. (DOE wants over $800 for underlying reports.)
· 12 Radiation Reports Show Long Island shipped radioactive food that continues to poison millions of Americans: 1947-1961 -- 1962 -- 1964 -- 1966 -- 1970 -- 1974 -- 1975 ---1976 -- 1979 -- 1980 ---1981 -- 1982 Additionally, no State, NRC or EPA Superfund manager of BNL ordered evacuations or issued warnings after measuring enormous Cesium-137 levels up to 44 billion picocuries per kilogram of sifted-soil that would exceed the EPA Evacuation dose of 5 rem/yr in less than an hour as discussed @ *beep*
