
She just made out with her nephew...

Anybody order a Love Burger? Well done


If that were my son, she would be out of that house - for GOOD - so fast she wouldn't even know what had hit her. I'm glad the husband stood up to Billie and told her if she brings her sister back, he'll leave and take the kids.


She couldn't help it. He was hot.



I thought making out with her teen nephew was so gross I almost puked. Sick bitch


And we have a winner for the "Duh!!" award!

You do know what the movie is about, right?


Only Americans would react with such horror (It's. Just. Sex.). That's why I was ambivalent about watching this movie - knew the typical American repressive prudishness would annoy me no end. It would be a good thing for both of them. If I were the Dad, I would just set some reasonable ground rules let them have at it!

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


Yes, inbreeding just like our European cousins should be encouraged among Americans, because manifestation of recessive genes is sooooo desirable. Though instead of idiot kings we'd just have idiot Presidents.

Get me a bromide! And put some gin in it!
