Rolling Stone

That newspaper was a real propaganda rag Almost the Bastard child of some totalitarian regime's publication and the worst UK tabloid of the variety that lampooned Amanda Knox when it was obvious she was completely innocent. Seems the dark side of traditional African culture that is obsessed with witch hunts against "sorcerers" where some outcast is murdered by a mob who blames them for all the bad things going on has evolved to a witch hunt against gays in general. Ironic though that these same UN organizations that rightly denounce this crap are just as vigorous with their own style of hoax propaganda against "human trafficking" viewing prostitution in the same false light as the Ugandan homophobes with similar crap about "millions of victims" "recruiting innocent" "enslaving our young." When in fact this "human trafficking" hoax is just a rerun of the century old "White Slavery" canard that all began in the late 90s when anti prostitution Christian NGO types and radical feminists realized that attacking it with fear mongering about the failed to materialize "heterosexual aids" no longer flew and they needed a new tactic. Around the same time the witch hunt against 19 year old boys having sex with 17 year old girls began in earnest with the "pedophile panic" that used fear of a handful of very rare adult men murdering prepubescent children in a vicious, prudish, authoritarian attack on teen sex in general.
