Stupid project

People who have kids as a teenager that aren't married are the most likely to live the rest of their lives in poverty. Of course when someone has significantly hurt their future like that people are going to look down on them. She might as well have just pretended to be a crack addict and then be baffled to why others would disapprove.


You obviously do not get the plot and the meaning behind this movie. Next time, before you type up a thread, make sure you are well informed first.




Yes, I didn't understand it at all. I read some interviews and skimmed through her book and her explanations were lacking. It was like there was something always missing. She was always complaining about people saying she'd thrown away her life. And the big reveal was HA I haven't thrown away my life. Not because she was pregnant and successful, but because she wasn't pregnant! Which sort of proved her point. The other thing is that the statistics are true, not stereotypes. The reason it is considered a negative to have a teen pregnancy is because teenagers can't work to support it, it takes up a lot of time they should be spending at school, they most likely aren't in a long-term or supportive relationship etc. I really struggled to understand the point of her project, at face value it sounds all good and interesting but when you think about it deeper you realise it's kind of circular. I also don't think it was redeeming enough to make it worth lying so much to so many people.


I completely agree. She could have gotten consent from Tara to find out all the things people say (which is not surprising) and had the same data than from faking the pregnancy. She wouldn't have hurt so many other people in the process. Instead her big reveal was "you were all mean to me and I still have a life because I'm not knocked up."

~The internet? Is that thing still around?~


the idiot OP must be an extremely ignorant man


IKR! I really don't understand why people are so quick to assume that once a teen is pregnant her life is pretty much over. There are plenty of people who were teen moms and became very successful. Working and going to school while trying to care for a child can be extremely difficult but it's not impossible either.
