the cast and crew

Matt Cameron and Andrew Knight are veteran writers in the television industry - judging from their IMDb credits they would have worked together a bit in the past too - Knight worked on the excellent Aussie series 'Rake' which aired in 2010.

Director Jeffrey Walker's pedigree doesn't look all that flash, but I am hoping the producers have plucked out a semi-obscure gem in much the same way that Jack Irish's gambling friends can.

As for the cast, I anticipate Aaron Pederson will be puuuurfect as the laconic, highly capable Cam Delray, who is probably the best character in the books apart from Irish himself.

Guy Pearce is an outstanding actor, and whilst I never pictured Jack Irish to look like the gaunt Pearce, I have little doubt that the thespian will pull it off with aplomb.

Roy Billing as Harry Strang ? Not so keen, but happy to be proven wrong.

Phone's ringin' Dude ...


Just a but off topic but tried to search who did the special effects for this episode? Have come at a dead end and saw your post. Thought you might know :)


i know is a bit of a bump but rake season 2 is half over and its fantastic.

give it a look if you like this.

Insert @V@T@R


No idea sorry Lauren - what fx were there ? an explosion, some yucky corpses, I can't remember anything else ..

Phone's ringin' Dude ...


All good. I found out who did. I take more notice of that sort of thing from working within that industry.
