Some help with jokes

No matter how many times I kept rewinding my DVR I couldn't hear/understand three jokes from the "Finding Name-o" episode. They were all right ahead of the opening credits:
1. Bryan changed his cake selection because citrus was ruined for everybody by whom?

2. Bryan told David not to do his impression of whom when slipping the ring on his finger?

3. Bryan agreed to invite his mother as long as David agreed to "no pretzel _________" something???

Can anyone clear those up for me?


No. 2 the gollum from lord of the rings that he does later in the show


The first one was Guy Fereri, the food network host with spikey hair from CA. He cooks with a lot of citrus, hence the lame joke.


3.- No pretzel bread, maybe it's tacky i didn't get that one.


OK, that covers them! Thanks to each of you.


I don't care for pretzel bread, either - which is odd because I love pretzels and love bread - so even though I often find Bryan's tastes affected and fussy, I am with him on that one.
