Decent CGI, woeful script!!

This was quite good to watch in full HD on a 55" screen with 5.1 roaring all the way through, but it was damn painful listening to the script. I am unable to quote movies before this that have been the exact same way, but it severely detracts from what really could have been.

I understand that most of the time and money goes directly to the CGI, but a little more consideration directed towards the wording and character development would make movies like this far more enjoyable.

Now before anyone jumps on the bandwagon and says "Well what would you suggest?", I can honestly say "I don't have an answer". I don't fully comprehend the process how milk can get from a cow to a chilled temperature in a 3 litre bottle at my local supermarket, but I certainly know when it's off. Exactly with this script.



Yeah it was a 6/10 but as I liked the original (Aliens) seeing a CGI homage to it in the guise of a Starship Troopers movie was okay by me.


I completely agree with you. The dialog was way too cheesy all over and it felt like I had heard it all before. I don't like the Japanese habit of putting in lines from other movies unchanged for the audience to recognize at all. It strongly reminded me of Resident Evil in that regard and how it had the same cheesy lines in all installments.



I was disappointed with the screenplay, as well. I expected more from a seasoned pro like Flint Dille.

Who's supposed to be the main character? Hero? Rico? Ibanez? Jenkins? We're never firmly anchored to any of them, and as a result the movie feels as though it's drifting all over the place.

A secondary aspect of not having a main character is that ALL the characters end up seeming underdeveloped. If you've got a primary character, you can put the time into them, and it's understood that the support characters aren't going to be fleshed out as much.

Another big failure is the revelation of what Jenkins has been up to. It comes out of nowhere, which is poor form. Some kind of hints should have been dropped along the way, so that when we find out what he's been working on, it makes sense in retrospect. Instead he just suddenly shows up with bugs under his control. Surprise! Also, we're not shown how he goes from cowering in his 'cage,' seemingly out of his mind, to the point where he meets up with Hero.

Granted it's not all bad. As most others here have said, I enjoyed it in spite of it's flaws. The CGI is pretty solid, I saw it on DVD first, but it looks much better on BluRay in full-on HD. Specifically, many of the exterior shots of the ships are quite brilliant.

If you like Starship Troopers, you'll probably find enough to enjoy here. It's just a shame when so much effort is put into a project, only for it to fall short in the screenplay department, the one area that should be solid before the rest of the work on the project begins.
