Genius. (Season 3; 1)

The parallels drawn in this episode were so spot on I thought. One of these episodes will nail the future, we just don't know which one it'll be until we get there.

But the "like for like" and "fave for fave" thing on FB and Twitter respectively, is accurate. I can see people's online profile VS their real lives, and it's pretty spot on.
People like "Facebook moms", getting made up to take a selfie with a kid that she'll put in front if the tv for the rest of the day.
Posted with the tag line, "my whole world" or something. All for a few likes.
This is what would happen if a like actually meant something in the real world right? Lol!


Delightfully disturbing, isn't it? Skirting awfully close to current reality!

"Here, with a special report, is a midget in a bikini."


And China is already implementing a social based score system (like our credit score system)


That is A; highly disturbing.

And B; not overly surprising TBH. I've got no intention of moving my entire life to social media.... EVER!

I use Facebook for a laugh, not to post photos of myself doing things I wouldn't do irl.

Episode 2? Well, just as mental! Only not so clear to actually figure out?


I agree, it is a scary testimony to social media and where we could possibly heading. The hours people spend on social media posting pictures of their "perfect world", making sure the picture perfect for others approval. Social media is very scary, I have a Facebook account that I rarely even go on anymore and honestly I was tempted to delete after this episode. It really does scare me how engrossed people have become in social media, sharing their lives and it all seems geared to gaining approval from others - what is missing from people's lives that they need that? I'm really not trying past judgement, just asking the question? I just can't imagine putting the time into it and sharing my life in that manner.


It is scary, especially when there's all this talk of the zombie apocalypse. As far as I'm concerned it's already here!

I watched a woman walk across a field the other day looking at her phone. There's an entrance into some woods, but before she knew it she was almost in a hedge on the other side of the field! Hilarious to watch. But people don't even look up anymore, that's how engrossed they are in whatever they're doing. Online shopping, Facebook, twitter, candy crush.
And as soon as people don't even have to look down to get that, I believe that "smart eyes" or something will be the next iteration. In fact, I think they're already working on that aren't they?
Then implants..... never gonna happen! I don't care if it's the norm, ain't nobody sticking chips into me!
