MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Why were there so many minorities in "No...

Why were there so many minorities in "Nosedive"? Symbolize something?

African-Americans comprise about 12% of the U.S. population, but they seemed to make up an inordinate share of the speaking/prominent characters in this episode. (Over a third?)

Is their disproportionate representation here symbolic of something? Seems odd.

(Didn't seem to see any other ethnic minorities.)



I'm sorry you feel that way. Have you considered moving to a predominantly non-white country, like one in Africa?

Also, is the problem more that they're clean ("pristine") or that they're Caucasian?




You're an idiot.



I noticed that all the black characters had much lower scores than the white characters. I think this is a message about racism and how unfortunately black people are perceived in society.


The woman she bumped into seemed classy, but I didn't catch her score.


It was 4.8


She was the only exception, the man in jail at the end was black too. I don't think it's coincidental ...


This was definitely a thing in this episode.

Thor 2-Attack of the Clones-The 5th Element the trifecta of bad movies.


No, other than Chester, all the black people in the show were 4.5 or higher. I almost think it might have been a black person who created the app. The lady at the airport was black. The man who removed her was black. There were several black people at Naomi wedding.


Symbolic to piss off racist trolls like yourself


I was wondering the same thing. Why is it "racist"? Would you wonder if everyone was Asian?


Thankfully, I'm not the type of person who would notice something like this.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


So you're more of an "All Lives Matter" person than a "Black Lives Matter" person.


I'm more in the "No Lives Matter" camp.

Less than forget. But more than begun.



So, you call somebody a racist and a "fairy"? That's odd. I think he's an idiot, yes, but your response is no better.


So weird to me that anybody cares. I honestly didn't even notice. This isn't some kind of PC "colorblind" *beep* because I do notice the race of characters. I just don't count how many of each there are.


It simply reflected the production company's stable of actors. It's always been a show with more POC than typical American produced ones.


Maybe because in the dimension of the story, race was irrelevant and only popularity counted.

But I have love in my heart - Yes, as a thief has riches, a usurer money
