MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > How would you prevent a bee entering you...

How would you prevent a bee entering your brain?

I would put a net over my head and hope it didn't try to enter through my butthole.


Pretty much yeah, wear a bee suit and make my face unrecognisable with a mask.

Though, didn't they try and put someone in a container but the bees went wild and killed all the people around it instead?


Ah I think I was distracted googling bees at that point. I'll have to watch it again. All the way through I couldnt get over how keeping a bee from going in my mouth, nose, or ears seems like a simple enough task.


Like when they went to that house in the country to try to keep the blonde lady safe, I'm wondering why not go to a hospital quarantine type place where nothing can get in or out. Or at least give the girl a respirator and some ear muffs lol


Definitely. And it was a lost opportunity to have millions of bees swarm a person, and totally eviscerate and blow them up or something like that.

Haha and then it becomes a 2 hour episode with hiding people in submarines


Submarines! I like you style lol, I didnt even think of that.


Forget that. I'll just bop around town in one of those human sized hamster balls.


Hamsterball would be fun.

Live near a magnet or drop EMP bomb too.

Hang around an area with bad reception...


All jerks on submarines!


join a submarine crew.

no bees in the ocean.


They could have put the girl into the shower. Bees don't like water.


Well they didn't expect thousands of bees at that point, they expected one bee, controlled by someone nearby. Their measures seemed appropriate for that. Plus it was a plan devised last minute.
They had more radical isolation for the chancellor, which included destroying nearby hives - but then destroying the hives made the bees crazy and they killed the nearby dudes.


The bees only knew about your phone ID? Unless everyone has a chip in their eye. That seems to be Black Mirror cannon.
