Help with Mark Zuckerberg Quote

Does anyone remember him saying something about how using a phony name is a bad sign, like you are up to no good? Maybe I'm thinking of something else. But in pretty sure it was Zuckerberg. He has a dogmatic view that people should have to use their real names & this will foster openness. No, it won't. There are many things that need to be said, but people won't say them without the right to anonymity. If anyone tecognizrs the quote and can post it, please do.


The Internet was better in the days of anonymity IMO. Even with the trolls and flames, there was much more diverse viewpoints and depth than facebook ever has. The whole medium doesn't really foster deep debates and discussion, it fosters silly quips and sound bites. I think most people have no attention span thanks to TV and then texting, Twitter and facebook. Probably in the minority but I see the effects on everyone. I feel better not watching television or even most movies, esp CGI laden big budget Hollywood trash. Give me the effects from 2001, Blade Runner, Brazil, City of Lost Childten, or Delicatessen. They were at least real models and tableaux whereas now everything looks fake.


The world has changed alot, and really this is just the lag we see, because it has changed ahead of us and we don't even know how, let alone have any input to it. I see a bad pattern ... in the last 20 years intelligent talk TV is gone, intelligent talk radio is gone, the Internet is locked up and I think half the people are fake bots trying to pose choices and actions to people and then draw conclusions about you based on it. This movie as eye opening, and I have been on the net since the mid 80's , well, email and ftp. But I don' think movies are any better or any worse. Maybe they are worse because they have more money and more talent and make more movies, and yet don't come up very often with anything that is any good.


The barriers to entry are too low with digital video and effects. Now anyone can make a movie. But it seems like everything is getting dumber. Ridley Scott has not made one movie better than Alien or Blade Runner in 30+ years. Terry Gilliam hasn't made one better than Brazil.

I like directors with great depth and complexity such as Hitchcock, Tarkovsky, Greenaway, Kubrick, Antonioni, Lynch. They were geniuses and nothing in the frame or sound track was an accident or lacked meaning. CGI effects even today usually look fake and stand out and make movies seem dated quickly, not like old school effects. There were few movies in the past five years that I would want to own / watch repeatedly. "Moonrise Kingdom" is one of the only recent films I have bought and watched several times. It has some flaws and it relies on classical music to an extent, but it created a unique, child-like, colorful and original world.


Imagine what is going to be like for kids who have problems ... that will be on the internet forever, as long as they live People will have access to stuff and we will have no control over it. Maybe in 200 years peolpe might adjust to that, but in the interventing time it will really mess up a lot of people's lives, make them harder and add stress. Like someone in the movie said ...we need a way to opt-out.


You can take back some privacy if you explore all the hidden privacy settings of facebook, but by default all your data could be searched and seen by strangers. I would set the options so you don't show up in search engines and only friends or maybe friends of friends can see your posts. Or you should consider changing who can see each post and blocking certain people - like a boss or co-worker. They now give you options to restrict the audience of your posfs, even retroactively, but if yoi comment on someone else's page you have no control over who can access it. And if they block or Unfriend you, there may be no way to erase them. We should have control over what we put out and always allowed to delete old comments or posts.


We should be able to delete every comment or post or tag of us ever made if we choose to do so. They let us deactivate our account but the data is still there and all of our comments on other pages. We should be able to completely remove our presence on social media if we choose, leaving no traces whatsoever. We should also be able to hide all comments from certain people. The internet doesn't have to be "written in pen," as Mark's fictional ex-girlfriend said in "the social network."
