Handy man

ANyone have any clue what his sex story was? Maybe it's best not to know but after the bleeped out "wife beater" a few season ago I don't take their censoring very seriously.


I don't know but I'm gonna take a shot in the dark here and say MTV has their own handy men on payroll there, so I don't think the girls really had to call one and he was a story line with his own "story".


He and his friend were both having sex with the handyman's baby momma. At some point she peed and took a dump on them (possibly by mistake). Then she asked the handyman to have anal sex with her and he wouldn't because of the smell but his friend didn't mind, so he had anal sex with her.


haha I can't believe you figured that out. Or did you see it uncensored somewhere?

Here's my signature.

