MovieChat Forums > Snooki & JWoww (2012) Discussion > comment here if you HATE gay joey #2!

comment here if you HATE gay joey #2!

Now normally I'm all against hate crimes, but I'm gay and I wanted to bash him. What is up with these Super Gay characters who's flaming has them on the verge of spontanious combustion? I don't know any gay men who act like that!


there's nothing wrong with being a flaming homo. Obviously there are gay men that act like that, considering that's the stereotype. If you are gay, you should know better than to attack your fellow gays for being 'super gay'


He's not my fellow anything. Sexuality does not define personality nor does it substitute for personality. Being gay, str8 or bi is such a small aspect of one's self. I'm sorry, being Super Gay doesn't make you cool, doesn't make you original, doesn't make you (fabulous), etc... if anything it says that the person thought being queer gave them a free pass to cool world and they played it up so bad that they never figured out who they really were and now they are just some jelly jointed high pitch bitch. It's insulting that people like him exist to play up and into people like you who just use them for your entertainment. No... don't fellow him up with me cuz we are two very different breeds of human.


Obviously not every gay guy is the same, but I'm just saying that it's bad enough when homophobes attack guys who are 'super gay', so why do other gay's have to attack as well? Being flamboyant is one thing, and being an attention whore is another. I understand being annoyed with him seeming like an obnoxious attention whore, but you can't hate on him for being a 'jelly jointed high pitch bitch' because regardless of if you and other people think its 'put on', in all reality it's most likely who he really is. Why is it insulting that flamboyant gay guys exist and they are entertaining? Sorry, guess you have to take it up with the creator of the universe because it is what it is. Those jelly jointed high pitched bitches are typically far more entertaining than the 'straight-acting' gay guys.


Ever know a really slutty dirty gal who'd lay any guy reguardless who he was or how he'd treat them? Do you consider her your fellow gal? Probably not and there are just as many people out there that will defend her right to be as trashy as she wants because its her life and blah blah blah... Let's not be hypocrites. She is to you what He is to me... Absolutely nothing. Difference is though is that a lot of gay men have to dodge that stereotype all the time in order to be taken seriously. It factors into everything from work relations to personal relations. If you think I'm dishing out unnecessary crap to people like him its because I catch some of the crap that results from their behavior.


But you're being a hypocrite, because you basically say that society shouldn't judge a whole group of people based on individuals actions, but you're doing just that with gay joey #2. It's a never ending battle to try and dodge stereotypes, so all you can do is just be yourself and if that means being a jelly jointed high pitched bitch, then it is what it is and anyone who has a problem with it can go fuVk themselves into oblivion. By the way, I'm not a gal, I'm a gay guy too.


With all due respect, you should shut the *beep* up

Joey is my friend, ive known him for a few years and he is one of the most fun person to be around.

If you dont like him, thats your problem. Move on. Dont go around trying to create hate for no reason

Get on with your life


Clowns belong in the circus. You're not supposed to bring them home. Gay Joey #2 (isn't even number one!) is a clown. He fed into every negative stereotype imaginable. To make it worse he had to get sloppy drunk and hit on str8 guys. He is a joke. Good for you for standing up for your friend but he is just an insult to the gay community.


so typical that you, as a gay guy, cry that he's an insult to the gay community. Stop trying to make every gay person who exists or is shown on t.v. some kind of role model or spokes person for the gay community. He is who he is, and he shouldn't have to filter it at all just so it makes him look more acceptable to you and society.


I'll go ahead and let you (or whoever) have the last word, but honestly... gay joey #2 is a prime example of why this country needs republicans. And no, I am not republican.


I gotta agree with the OP. Actually I would bet that if it wasnt for the "super gays" with their drama and over the top lifestyles, gay marriage would probably already be legal in this country already.

We used to make sh-t in this country. Build sh-t. Now we put our hands in the next guys pocket.
