Wounded Warrior rifle

They made such a big deal out of customizing the Scout rifle for that Iraq Vet.

With his very limited functionality in his right hand, why didn't they make a pistol grip for his trigger hand? He couldn't grip the stock at all.

USA--"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Japan--"The nail that stands the tallest gets hammered."


I believe the extended bolt lever acted as a grip.

Fire Bat
Only a fool would deny God.


?? Where did they say that?

An autoloader would have eliminated the need for the kid working the bolt, too.


I don't know the timestamp of when they said it, or if they said it at all, but how he was holding the rifle led be to believe this to be the case.

Fire Bat
Only a fool would deny God.


fire -- if you look again, his right hand was nowhere near the bolt handle. And besides, if it was, how would he fire the weapon?

His hand was in a fist with his trigger finger hanging from the trigger guard.

If I had customized that weapon, I would be too embarrassed to have it shown on TV.

USA--"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Japan--"The nail that stands the tallest gets hammered."


I admit, I've got little to no experience shooting guns, but I have held plenty, and I'd figure shooting the gun like that would be very odd, since all your primary stability force is only on your shoulder holding it in, and your left hand holding the pistol grip, nothing on the stock side, I just figure recoil would still be a problem?


jn -- that's a valid point. Since his right hand has nothing to hold on to, if that poor guy isn't careful, the recoil could damage his trigger finger.

USA--"The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
Japan--"The nail that stands the tallest gets hammered."


I was thinking the same thing. The guy's wrist wouldn't turn so give him something ergonomic. sheeze.

Also this was a major copy-cat of the red-jacket show...again.


Exactly!!! about RJF, I saw the wounded bit, my buddy looks at me (doesn't watch either only a few episodes and 1st episode of american guns) "Hey didn't we watch this already I could've sworn we did."

What we have here is a failure to communicate.
