Sanaa Lathan sex scene

She looked hot getting it from behind by Taye, even while pregnant. Made me want to find my girlfriend and get down...


That scene bothered me.




I understand that pregnant women have sex but are most in the mood for sex that late in the pregnancy? I just thought it would've been nicer to show him giving her a massage or something or just cuddling with her. lol


I understand. I think it depends on the pregnancy and the woman. Some love it. Some don't.


Same thing I was thinking. So i second that. :)


He gave her a massage earlier in the film. ;-)


Based on the testimony of a lot of pregnant women - yes they are in the mood for sex, and some say they are particularly horny at that time.

"They told you you were stupid, ugly and doomed to fail............and you believed them"


I thought it was awesome, so sweet and sensual, loving. I like those two actors, anyway, and I always like when they play a couple.


ha ha!

my wife (now ex) was a horn dog BEFORE we got married. during pregnancy it doubled. We got busy in the kitchen @ 9pm the day before our oldest daughter was born. right up until the end baby!!

.....and it was good.

Do You Grok


Uh, that scene made me blush a little. It's not every day cinema depicts the sexuality of a pregnant woman. It was refreshing... I blushed because I liked watching it.


personally, I am not into seeing pregnant women having sex.




it bothered me as they were getting Lance's sheets dirty and someone has to wash those.

Plus Harper was probably denting the baby


The baby was breach, so he was just tickling her feet.
