MovieChat Forums > Steve Jobs (2015) Discussion > NOT a great movie, unfortunately :(

NOT a great movie, unfortunately :(

I was expecting a great movie. I am a great fan of Sorkin.

I was expecting one of the best (if not the best) movie of 2015.

I was expecting something around the level of "The Social Network".

This movie is not great.

Very shallow story, basically the whole story was Jobs fighting with
other people, especially his daughter....

So many things to create a movie about Steve Jobs, unfortunately they
chose to emphasize on such a small and pity part of it...

I don't know why this movie was so bad. Maybe it was David Fincher

I am very disappointed


I have to agree with you, I couldn't wait for it to finish. The only good thing about it was Fassbender, the story and everything else were bad. I even enjoyed "Jobs" more than this.



LOL... I am sorry to say that I also feel that EVEN "Jobs" was better than this...

Oh boy I would never have thought I would write such a thing for a Sorkin movie... Pathetic !



yes indeed i found the documentary better to watch. this film was just a downer the documentary about Steve jobs was so much more interesting.


It had great acting and good dialogue, but the movie just felt pointless. By the end, I still didn't feel like I knew what his motivations were for being such a prick to everyone around him


That was the problem. That's the only thing they showed to us.


This movie was such a chore to get through even though the acting was good.

~Memories made in the coldest winter~


Agreed. Jobs, was a far better movie.
I have to say, all these movies about Jobs seems to reaffirm the idea of the Cult of Jobs.
He really was not an innovator, Wozniak was. Jobs was a great merchandiser. He could spot a gap in the market, take other peoples ideas, repackage them, and sell them to people as a new idea.
The iPhone was a great idea at the time, but I think Apple are in the same position as IBM, and coasting on their past reputation.
Nothing comes out of Apple anymore that can even pretend to be innovative. There hasn't been 'the next big thing' from Apple since June 2007.
I think without Jobs, they're in an even worse position. A rudderless ship with no vision.



Translation: I'm too dumb to appreciate this movie


Too true. Great individual scenes by themselves don't make a great movie.


Agreed, OP


Totally agree.

I think this is the worst movie about S.J/Apple ever made.

Watch any other movies about this then this, this was very boring and bad.


Yeah, would have to agree with you.

It's like Sorkin's premise was so important to him that it made him lose sight of the character and story. I mean the movie has some great moments, mostly because of the actors. The three act structure is so hammered down and over the top. I could see this kind of thing working in the theatre maybe...

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. - W. Blake
