What's the deal with Lee's vocals?

Why did they pick this performance to film and release? Lee starts off the first song singing in a weird shrieky shout, like he is trying to NOT do his usual high-pitched nasaly thing. Then something happens to his voice somewhere around Tom Sawyer and and he devolves into a comical cartoon voice. It is completely distracting and ruins an otherwise musically awesome performance.


Dude, the guy(along with Neil and Alex) are close to 60 years old, you expect the to perform like they are 20 again? There are compromises in everything in life, so his voice isnt what it used to be, you know what? Neither is Jon Bon Jovi`s, but they sure can shred the Bass, Guitar,and Drums better than ever!

Combined with state of the art visuals and HD Video and excellent Audio, this is the best DVD of them I have to date.I saw them o this tour and this just brings that memorabke night back to life...These guys really are timeless and few can match their effort.


I read this and thought LULWUT? Not sure what you're on about. I've just watched it and it was as awesome as the gig I saw in Dublin. Maybe you're asking too much?
