Sounds good!

The synopsis makes it sound very mysterious and thrilling. Looking forward to seeing it. Plus Rupert Graves is in it, so, you know, bonus eye-candy!!! ;-)


And ??? Was it worth 😀 ?


seems like trailer says it all lol


Pirated 720p copy is out online, maybe someone will get it and tell us on here if its any good. I dont even waste time if its available to download in some way, unless I know its decent.


good copy already as of today


rather dull from what we expect when reading the plot. 5/10.


Thats all I needed to hear, thanks. I hate wasting my time on films when there are soo many films out each month now. This sounds like its only a mediocre time killer, nothing great, so I wont even bother then.


This was basically equivalent to a Lifetime TV film, just a difference in setting. Women being plotted against by a group of evil men all brought down by a single woman through her impeccable wit and ridiculous one on one combat victories.


Yeah, it was very Lifetime Movie like. Better acting than those offer though.


All you needed to hear was the words of a random stranger on the net telling you it's not good and that is all it takes for you not to watch it lol.



unless I know its decent.

Seriously? lol You aren't gonna know if the film is any good until you watch it yourself.
Do you need random strangers on the internet to tell which films are good and which ones aren't?
Did it not even cross your mind that someone on the net may advise you to avoid watching a film that you might actually enjoy?

What reason would you have to take the word of people you don't even know?



Funny it was on the telly a couple of weeks ago in Scotland and it wasnt that bad 6/10 and its got Radha Mitchellin it grrrrrrrrrr

Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!


It's not bad. Rupert Graves is quite handsome. It's on Netflix as of now.
