Episode 3 baseball.

I just started watching this show, and just got past the first scene of the ep, and I had to come on here and say, that I personally think the girl was in her right. Those kids deserved to get their beating.

Don't you hate Haiku?
Its order, the way it flows?
Gives me a headache!


You think that a kid,one of those that society frequently excuses from culpability for ACTUAL crimes due to their inability to make "adult decisions" deserves to be assaulted with a deadly weapon because someone laughed at her?
Watch again,and maybe you'll see that at most,2 of the others actually did anything remotely bullying,but she attacked everyone that was there.


Technically everyone of the kids was bullying her, emotionally, and at LEAST 2 kids physically assaulted her. Those were the ones she had the right to defend herself against. The other kids however were crowding here and jeering and her getting beaten and she had no reasonable way of knowing who would hurt her and who wouldn't.

You need to face the fact that whether those kids realized it or meant it or not, they stood a very real chance, if the show were real that is, of seriously injuring or even killing the girl.

I'm sorry, I call bull. If you had a group of people your size or bigger crowd you and start hitting you and shoving you you'd grab the nearest thing you could and start fighting back too.

So you're saying it'd be better to just get put in the hospital or worse rather than defend yourself? If you are, then I'm sorry, but you're a fool.

I'm not saying that the girl wasn't messed up... the whole incident would PROBABLY not of happened had she been normal. But that didn't give the kids an excuse to beat her up. Just hitting her with the ball could have broken something.

People like you are the very reason units like the one in this show would be a decent idea, because you think it's ok for thirty people to gang up on one person just because that person is strange. Disgusting.

Don't you hate Haiku?
Its order, the way it flows?
Gives me a headache!


First,what exactly did the kid catching do,other than to try and get her involved?
Second,according to the dialogue,13 broken bones in 5 victims.
Third,if she was right inn her actions,why was she being investigated?
Like it or not,she was wrong.
And it's pretty evident by the FACT that this was an episode,that society as a whole doesn't agree with you.
And that would make you the fool here.


Your wrong kemosobi, the catcher called for the pitcher to hit her, he was trying to get her involved to victimize her. She was put in a state of fear for her life and she lashed out with the weapon these little punks put in her hands. They got what they deserved.


The girl obviously "flipped out!" She got cornered and turned on all the others around her that were acting like bullies. She definitely had problems dealing with others her own age (and reality!)....her mother wasn't any use so it took this incident to make everyone aware she needed help. NO, she didn't have the right to attack them with a baseball bat, but that was beyond her comprehension at that point...she went into fight or flight mode.
