MovieChat Forums > Virgin Tales (2012) Discussion > Why dont they host any male purity balls...

Why dont they host any male purity balls..

If the bible encourages purity for all then Why arent their any male purity balls? Withboys dancing together in suits showing their love for their mothers and promising to not lose their virginity till marriage. They just emphasize it for the girls. Its like an OBLIGATION for the girls but only a SUGGESTION for the boys.

Its disgusting and it just goes to show thatthis is more for the comfort of the fathers than the purity of their daughtes.


EXCELLENT point. Thank you.


Because it's really about slut shaming. Girls are supposed to be "clean & pure". Boys can do whatever they want. It's depressing.


It's like with pregnancy or rape. It's the woman's fault, don't you know? If the girl gets pregnant, she is shamed while the boy goes on to live his life as if he never had a part in things. If a girl or woman is raped, then she "asked for it" because of how she dressed or acted, not because the man is a sick pervert.

It's NEVER the boy or man's responsibility...

It's crap, but that's how society looks at women. This hasn't ever changed. Just because it's the 21st Century, you think women really have power?


They couldn't have the boys show how much they love their mothers because that would take the spotlight off the fathers. In the patriarchy movement, it must always be about the fathers. He is the head of the household, the family minister, owner of "his" females (wife and daughters), and final decision on all matters, including if his children go to college or stay home.

As for sons, they get the silly stuff about being manly men and how to go forth and conquer, like the stupid ceremony they had for the son in this movie... which is controlled by the father. Mothers don't have rank with these people.


They do have father & sons gatherings, but it focuses more "how they should be a man" and remain pure. They're not as popular as the girls balls. Also, remember Promise Keepers? Really big in the 90's and somewhat today, a larger event calling men to be faithful and pure.


I think the title of this topic is funny, "purity balls". I'd show some of the girls in this movie my purity balls (the ones of age of course)! Good point though, OP, good point.

This movie, you can just SMELL their sexual frustration through the TV as well. A couple of those older girls in this movie, you can see it in their eyes they wanna get laid so bad!a It really is about slut shaming and fathers controlling their daughters like some of you said.


It's always about slut shaming. The reason why males are not held to the same standard is because that type of Christianity views women as property. The reason why they protest abortion ... Same thing. We have to know who the sluts are .. She has to carry the kid fur 9 months .. So she can be shamed.

It's all very disgusting.


Because in their religion, though unsaid, women are considered the lesser of the two sexes, are subservient to men, and are basically thought of as weak. They must be tutored in these things by men or they will be lost and stray.

It's completely screwed up. What's sad is that the women in this sort of life either don't realize it, or do and think that by thinking that way they are sinners. Indoctrination at its worst (or best for the men).

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