MovieChat Forums > Project Runway All Stars (2012) Discussion > possibly the Biggest fail of the All...

possibly the Biggest fail of the All...

Stars seasons is the awful mentoring by the frivolous Zanna Roberts Rossi! I get that she works for a highly regarded fashion rag, but frankly, her advice SUCKS! She is so far removed from being a Tim Gunn that she might as well be on another planet!
Tim can give constructive criticism very bluntly, while still sounding helpful.
Mz. R.R. just breezes into the workroom with her cutting remarks and tells them why she thinks their designs are just SO wrong, and what she thinks they should do to change them for the judges!
Saddly she is never going to be another Tim Gunn. We could only get lucky enough to have him mentor the
All-Star seasons as well. Until that happens, I guess we're stuck...


What gets me is that the designers put so much stock in her critiques that they sometimes end up changing the entire concept of their design but they then get savaged on the runway. At that point, they try to explain what their original design concept was and the judges lay into them for not being true to their vision. But if the designers stick to their guns and do what they want, the judges rag on them for playing it too safe. It's a vicious cycle. Add to that the fact that Alyssa Milano, who apparently picks out her clothes for the show in the dark, routinely criticizes their garments when she herself is wearing the worst thing of all.

I honestly don't know why I can't break myself of watching this show... I've tried but every Thursday at 9 PM, I tune it in "just for a minute" but end up watching the whole thing and then coming on here to rag about the show. Speaking of a vicious cycle...
