Sam fabric

Wtf was he thinking with that lace, he is such an amateur who sponges ideas from other designers. I'm amazed Kini managed to be safe using such disgusting fabric.

I absolutely do not think Valerie deserved to be eliminated. Yes it wasnt super original but some of the other designs were actually repulsive, Emily's for example. Or even that cheap looking red satin number.


Yes. :( POOR VALERIE! We haven't seen the best of her. She's been really good. She was gonna do something amazing with her original fabrics so basically I also blame the stupid challenge. If they wanted a 'twist' they could've chosen the fabrics for the designer (print color and everything) and gave them enough of everything. It's really unfair that Kini got stuck with that ugly colored lace for example.

Yes, both Emily's and Layana's were worse than hers. If they're gonna talk about "seen it before" then I've also seen Sam's silhouette, maybe even Ken's ..

- Waffa


I would rather see something hideous and crazy bad than something boring. Especially in All-Stars. The designers need to up the ante and take risks if they want to stick around.


Sam's fabric wasn't hideous. It was pretty. But it wasn't used well and wasn't right for this challenge.

If Sam was mart enough to buy another fabric that went well with it. It could've been used as an accent piece rather than the entire piece. But Sam is stupid and Kini was forced to work with Sam's bad judgement.

In most cases, the fabric isn't the problem. It's designers not knowing what to do with it or not having enough time to figure something out.

I remember Tim Gunn telling a designer that unless it's an unconventional challenge or something your required to work with, there's no reason to work with
fabrics you're absolutely comfortable with.


Sam didn't purchase enough fabric to construct anything. I'm surprised Kini was able to cover all his models "what nots", but then again Kini has talent and Sam does not.

You bore me Sam - GO HOME - you're dismissed!


I agree with this! Especially about Valerie. I love her and thought her look was beautiful. I love Layana, too, but I didn't like hers as much.
And Issac really saved Emily's bacon!
