Hated Emily's Look

Don't think Valerie deserved to go


Emily could have done a better design with what she had. Didn't think Valerie jumpsuit was that bad


I didn't love it, but I feel like Emily really pushed herself to think outside the box and come up with something interesting. Both of those jumpsuits were boring.


I didn't per se like Emily's look, but the mesh polka dot fabric is hard to design around. I do think Valerie is more talented than a bunch of remaining contestants.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Didn't Emily choose Alexander's fabric? There were other designers left to pick from but I heard her say that she liked the "embroidered circles" (or words to that effect) on his fabric, apparently referring to the sheer polka dot fabric. I was surprised when she complained about that very same fabric later.

As I said in another thread a few days ago, I thought all of the looks were horrible but there were some that were worse than Valerie's (Kini's, for example).


I wasn't keeping track of what order people picked fabrics. Alexander also had to pick upholstery fabric for the challenge so yeah the fabric sucked but it's not like a normal shopping trip then switch, he didn't have a lot of options in the first place. I do think Kini has a reputation for being a good designer that is carrying him through so far (also his beef with Sam.) I thought his outfit was not great this week and last week with his own umbrella dress ripoff that was safe.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I think she was unpleasantly surprised to find out that he didn't have enough of the red to make a good base. So she thought she was getting a corvette, but it was more like a chevette....
I did like the waistband she did with the gathered skirting.
