Jumpsuit City!

These designers are so limited this all-star season! I've seen more out of them, but they're either tired or conspiring to drag the show down! Zanna questioned most of their choices and I literally said "duh" at the same time as Kini! ;-)

- http://fiero4251.blogspot.com/2011/06/project-runway-fashion-show-from-1107-on.html -

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


What do Zanna and the judges expect? The designers are forced into using a pre-determined type of fabric and then they have to swap that fabric with someone else. I would dearly love to see Georgina and Isaac compete in just one of these challenges under the same constraints to see what magnificent garments they'd send down the runway. I know this is "All-Stars" but how about throwing them a bone at least once per season and give them more than 20 minutes to throw something together? I'd really like to see what they can actually do, especially since this is their chosen profession. They're not being given much of a chance to show what they're capable of, which is probably why they keep doing the same look over and over.

Honestly, I thought all of the looks tonight were hideous. The only piece of fabric I even liked was the sheer polka-dotted one that Alexander chose and then Emily took. That shiny long red dress was probably my least favorite... horrific fabric choice in the first place.


As designers they're supposed to be creative. They have quite a bit of time to figure something out. Everyone just goes to their 'go to safe' look. They're supposed to be All Stars, the best of the best...but really it's whoever answered their phone.
Dom made her own textile and a winning garment, everyone else should quit making jumpsuits.

You can call me 'Mayor Chapstick.'


Loved loved LOVED Dom's look!


Dom hit a grand slam with her look.


I have noticed a lot of jumpsuits. Maybe because it seems like such a trendy/fad article of clothing.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I did love that flowy white jumpsuit in the Little Big Town team challenge. I can't remember who the designer was but it was gorgeous and looked really comfortable.
