HIV positive...

OMG, he should have kept it for felt so forced and staged. He clearly wants to get similar attention as Mondo...except Mondo was genuine and not a big fake.

Having said that, I wish Victor health and a long life.

Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it. (ALIAS)


I dont see a reason why he needed to share this on tv. Thats private information and it should be kept that way.




My god you people are all disguting human beings....

You will go to no end to badger the guy for any reason... If he had a child and it dies while on the show, you'd blame him for neglect...

You are so disgusting....

The statement was obvioulsy encouraged by the producers...

He is positive and you are still attacking him...

I shouldn't be so surprised by you lot... You have a smidgen of brain cells between you all... I can only laugh at your misfortunes...

I hope karma comes back and bites y6our a$$ very soon....

¸.· ¸.·´¨) Buffy Lives
(¸.·´ (_.·´*



M-Gordo if this was the 80's I would sympathize with your over the top answer but people have long healthy lives with HIV these days.

Victor is a phony!

Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it. (ALIAS)



Sure Victor might be playing for the cameras.
Sure he might be fake.
Sure it is annoying.

But what does that make you cheering against someone who is battling a desease?

How pathetic are you?

I know you want your whorebag Elena to win.

But from your posting style and the stuff you post around here, I can tell you are a very sad and cruel person.



What do you have something personal against me?

I'm just responding to your post. Too bad you are not capable of having a discussion with someone with a different opinion.


You can't say someone is pathetic then act like you are above childish retorts from people with different opinions. I mean, you clearly started the personal attacks, so why act surprised you get attacked back? You had it coming.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


You don't even know what you're talking about. Seriously.

This person has been attacking me for days and sent me to a website with a virus. I try to keep my mouth shut for days. But everyone has a breaking point.

So I'm just giving her the dose of her own medicine.


Then put him on ignore and don't click on his links. Attacking back just makes you look as childish.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.



When he/she sent the link I was having a proper discussion so I didn't know his intentions.

I believe in eye for an eye. If someone annoys me, I will confront the issue and give to them the way they give it to me. I don't have to put anyone on ignore. I. Anyone can put me on ignore. I. Dont. Care. He/she was offensive and then put me on ignore? C.o.w.a.r.d.
She had it coming.

By the way, how did you know he/she's a "he"?


I don't know/care what gender the poster is. You are both rude and annoying and add nothing to any discussion so I would be wise to ignore you both, you especially.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


You should have kept yourself out of this.

I don't even know why you care in the first place.
And then now you say you don't care. lol make up your mind.

Ps. what exactly did YOU add to THIS discussion? ZERO.


It bugged me that it was so forced. Big buildup....big reveal...big outpouring of sympathy....done. That wasn't a real conversation. I don't know if they already knew but the reactions didn't seem real. Maybe it's just me but my reaction would have been 'holy s*** dude! Are you ok? How long have you known? How's your health? Are you getting some good care? What do you need?' Not just 'I love you no matter what'....hugs...back to work.

I thought Mondo's revelation in his own season at least looked like it might be have been spontaneous. I realize it may not have been, but it seemed that way. It seemed that he created that pattern because of that story and he kind of wrestled with whether to tell anyone that or not. When the discussion came, he decided that he would explain it. It didn't seem contrived - there was a reason for it.


that was Amanda... and i could be mistaken, but i am fairly certain that she made a big deal and mentioned being night blind (i really can't remember what her condition was called...) just about constantly. maybe you're right that she didn't divulge it to her fellow contestants until the end, but i distinctly remember her mentioning it all the time throughout that season, and she was extremely obnoxious apart from that too.


Amanda actually made a big announcement about it to all the other contestants in the premiere semi-finals episode. She even started off her speech with something like "I haven't been completely honest with you all" when she announced it which I've always thought was a strange thing to say considering it wasn't like she running around shouting "I HAVE PERFECT VISION!" or anything, beforehand.

She did mention it quite a few times throughout the season but as far as I recall it was usually when she was worried it would hinder her during a challenge or photoshoot, IE: navigating a dark runway.

Her condition was degenerative and called retinitis pigmentosa, btw. She has since gone almost completely blind.


yeah maybe i am just exaggerating it in retrospect because i didn't care for her all that much as a personality.


That girl Amanda wasn't night blind! She was legally blind from a degenerative eye disease and on her way to completely blind, which she is now. People with night blindness don't need canes to walk with like Amanda did.

Viktor's a tool who obviously revealed his HIV status at the behest of producers looking to amp up the drama in a dull season. He should have kept that to himself as it wasn't germane AT ALL to the competition. Mondo revealed his because his design referenced his HIV + status. Viktor had no reason to discuss his private medical history other than a last ditch attempt to attain relevance. Pathetic.



She mentioned it before she was eliminated, didn't she? She was walking around with a cane before then. Also her RP eye disease was the reason she had those Siberian Husky eyes.

But, yeah she was annoying. She and Yaya were the worst! I've seen Yaya in some movies and I can't get into the part she's playing because I just remember how annoying she was in Japan and how important she thought her dance background was.


I felt as if it were forced. That the producers wanted to rush and get it out there before he was cut from the show. hopefully he continues to be healthy.



I was never a fan of Amanda, but just to be clear, she was not night blind. She had retinitis pigmentosis. It's a degenerative condition which causes the vision to worsen gradually, for most people ending in almost total blindness. I didn't like the women's personality and I truly thought there was no reason to, so early in the game, get everybody together and tell them that. But her concerns about seeing the runway were completely legit.


she didn't reveal that after she got eliminated - she gathered everyone at the very first casting and told them. But it wasn't night blindness, it was retinitis pigmentosis.


I just saw this episode and I agree with everyone. It was definitely forced and made me feel uncomfortable while watching it. It didn't feel genuine at all. I also thought it was interesting that it came out on the episode in which Mondo was q guest judge.

"I'm an orange. Everybody wants to peel me." ~Dr. Gavin Murphy


You should hear the contestants on "Chopped!" Everyone's dying of cancer, or has learning disabilities, turrets, or mother on her death bed! One girl had the nerve to say her mother was hit by a bus 2 days before! It's so ridiculous to bring up this personal stuff! It just makes me colder to them!

- - - - homepage

- -


I hear ya fiero-49251! There isn't a single show lately, whether it's Amazing Race, ANTM, Project Runway, The Voice etc. where we can escape hearing some massive sob story for almost every bloody contestant. It's beyond annoying! "I was bullied in school for having bad teeth", "My best friend died two years ago", "My mom raised me all alone. Waaaaah"

And you're right, it makes me care even less. Everyone has a cross to bear, but alas, the added melodrama must be working because it now seems to be the rule rather than the exception. Thank heavens for PVR...I speed right past that crap. lol


It was very tasteless of him. I have literally despised him ever since his stunt.

Ball me Blazer.


I cringe whenever they show one of the contestants calling home - you just know the tears will be flowing! 😒 That's when I hit the FF!

Get off the cross, we need the wood


Same here. And not to sound uncaring, but does anyone get the parents who start losing their sh*t after being away a few weeks? I don't have kids but before you bash me, hear me out. It's not like they're on a 12 week holiday romping in the sun and their kids are being reared by a pack of wolves. ALL of them say it ad nauseam, "I'm doing this *sniff, sniff* for my kids *slobber, sniff, gulp* because I want to make a better life for them." 😭 Fine, shut up and do it. It comes across more like trying to get a parent of the year pity vote IMO 😒

I don't do signatures. ^_^


I don't have kids and I get being sad when you've spent so much time with them to be away from them, but I do roll my eyes at "doing it for my kids." Come on, you're doing it for yourself. And there's no shame in that. You can still pursue your dreams once a parent. You don't stop being yourself or a person in your own right.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


Here, here!

I don't do signatures. ^_^
