I love everything about Dom

Her style and creations are amazing. She has a very approachable calm personality. And have you seen her butt???? She is the total package.

"Call me if you ever feel to old to drive" - Me and You and Everyone We Know


She's awesome. Cute, sweet and a great personality (not into checking out her butt though).

Follow me on twitter @sydsmoviepicks


I love her too. I feel like she has the mind of an engineer. Her creations are too cool! They should have a Project Runway show where the premise is "Can you make a cooler design than Dom?"


RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! I love that idea. :)


She's a cute little pixie. If I wasn't so cynical and jaded, I would try to be more like her.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


She's someone you want to root for time and again --talented, smart, humble and cool as a cucumber. And quite pretty too to boot.


I LOVED her Tinkerbell and athleisure looks. They were super creative and chic. I hope she makes it to the final runway.


She's awesome! She's one of the only contestants who balances great talent with a great personality.


She and Mondo can do those prints like no other!


She's in a different league altogether than the others. She's amazing.
