watch this please.

Just received a copy of this in the mail for a mere 26 bucks shipping included. It can be purchased at the films website for 19 bucks, pretty cheap by todays standard. It can also be streaming with Netflix. Knowing a bit of history about Soviet resistance helps going into this film but it does a good job quickly to educate the uninformed. I simply ask for people to watch this and ask themselves could something like this happen where they're at.

Lithuania was occupied by 2 brutal nations not twice but 3 times. And the last time lasted for 47 years. This film tells the story of the few that resisted their "liberators", the conquering Red Army. Imagine another nation sending in overwhelming force to change your language, culture, and replace it with a pack of lies and squealers. Neighbor ratting out neighbor, teachers reporting on parents, phones tapped constantly, nothing but disinformation passing for media reporting, and having your home and land taken away and being reduced to slavery on the kolkhoz. This film tells it like it was. Freedom is not the norm in history and is greatly valued when its lost, the Invisible Front describes the cost of that loss.

what ails most madmen is realitys grasp or escape, a paralysis of analysis
