MovieChat Forums > Sullivan & Son (2012) Discussion > WTF demographic are they going for?

WTF demographic are they going for?

Are there enough Korean Americans to comprise a complete demographic?

Cause otherwise, WTF?

Good Lord, I tried to watch this and it was all "Korean rant this" and "Korean rant that".




There is actually more a Korean demographic out there than any other non-white demographic. You just don't hear from them regarding under-representation in the mass media market because they are too busy working and running businesses to be bitching about such trivial crap.


Not even close to reality. Koreans make up a very small percent of the population of the United States.


I think they are going blue-collar viewers in general. They probably figure that people who like "high brow" comedy won't watch this show.

"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."


molière fans.

The circulation of confidence is better than the circulation of money.-James Madison
