MovieChat Forums > Harvest of Empire (2012) Discussion > A soft introduction to what USA as proxy...

A soft introduction to what USA as proxy does to it's south neighbours

5/10 (for someone new to reality this should be around a 7)

This portrays USA in a very good light compared to real actions taken, but it can act as a good first step for people to actually start to realise why there usually is talk about neo-imperialism and backing countless coup d'etat (hostile overtaking of gov.) - USA has as proxy killed millions upon millions of people and I don't even want to think of the numbers when it comes to ruined lives through maiming, torture and PSD.
Letting the military be led by plutocratic shadowgroups and informal interest groups is maybe not the best cause of action to reach efficiency.

[Further political rant]
Democracy is what USA needs, the first step is to remove any electronic voting machines and make certain the votingprocess is as transparent as it can be (keeping the votes in the public eye from the vote is casted til it's accounted for, including a visual verification that it has correctly been registerd).
This means taking private companies (like Diebold, Hart Intercivic, Dominion, SMART ech et al) out of the business to control the equipment used in what is supposed to be democratic elections.

Instead of being on the road to tackling the big issues of modern time (overpopulation/zero growth economy, global warming, turning back medicine to curing dieseases in general and not only treating symptoms mainly, maintaining open informationflow, decreasing censorship in the industrialised nations and the developing world, breaking up National states and big business chokehold on what science "leak out" to the masses... on and on it goes), USA as proxy has squandered that time into establishing a world empire built around socio-economic segregation and inefficient economical practises (even by IMF).

[EDIT] Upped the rating as it does beg the viewer to ask the question.

Ignorance is only a bliss if you haven't reached awareness.
My imdb posts are getting altered.
