WOW! really?

As if misandry could not become more prevalent in society, now filmmakers are suggesting all men are paedophiles. This is complete garbage.



Then the title should be "Are All People Pedophiles?".



then why is it that most victims of paedophiles are female?


Thats exactly what they just said.


Chill, guys.

I think you may be reacting to this film too quickly. It appears to me that the film might offer the view that it is natural to be attracted to young, and therefore fertile, females.

It may be that our culture, as it has evolved various taboos, may not be in agreement with natural human evolution. I prefer to wait and see.



How would you know? Since males are less likely to report rape. There are tens of thousands of cases of sexual abuse by the Catholic church alone.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


I have been on the "inside" of the child modeling image viewing world. Places like iChan are commonplace for finding such material online. For about 10 years I have hung out at these places, observing behavior and rituals. The increase in the number of people who like viewing naked children in provocative poses is astonishing. And if you look at history, the taste for such imagery goes very far back in time. So, we can't blame the modern world for the desire. Millions of men and women both trade and download photos and videos of children posing in sexual positions. Obviously, sex and innocence goes well together. After all, men and women are both heavily attracted to virgins. And because innocence is often lost at an early age in our modern times, I can see why people focus on children. There is a big difference between masturbating to child photos and pursuing a real life situation with a child. Fantasy and reality are not the same. I must admit that pedophilia is not very well understood and is often misunderstood due to ignorance and fear. But I will say this. A child is under a parent's care. Therefore, it could never be appropriate for anyone to approach a child for the sake of sex. That would be wrong. But then again, look ahead into the distant future. We could be seeing parents who allow more uninhibited behavior with their children. Under supervision I imagine. But still it might exist. Personally, I am content with the old fashioned values of protecting innocence rather than putting it on a pedestal with a price tag on it.



You will say anything to downplay the act of raping a child, won't you?


Rape is about dominating another human being and not just sex. To paraphrase a popular opinion.
Of course this is an over simplified point of view, put forth by those who would label us for easy classification.


"We could be seeing parents who allow more uninhibited behavior with their children."

This is profoundly sad but it happens now and especially in impoverished places in the world. I plan on having kids and I am going to arm my children mentally and intellectually against adults who may seek them out for sexual purposes. I have friends who have been sexually molested as children and it has had horrific consequences in their life.



The director is not a feminist guys, but in fact the exact opposite!

Read the synopsis!



Did you watch the whole documental or you simply read the title and came here to whine?
