Shower scene/ Diana's age

Did anyone else always picture Diana as an older woman before this game? She seemed so sweet and maternal in the earlier games that I'd always pictured her as a more matriarchal figure (think Elizabeth I in her later portraits). In Absolution it seemed like they put her in her 30s just to have the shower scene. A minor frustration, an enjoyable game in most places.


I pictured her in her late 30s, maybe even early 40s. I definitely agree she looked a little too young in that scene though, and I think you're absolutely right- felt like a cheap excuse to squeeze a little extra stylish, sexualised violence out of the subject matter.


The game sucked. What do you expect


Pfft! HA HA HA! "The game sucked". HA! Yeah right! That's pretty *beep* rich dude. I'm all for difference in opinion and all that jazz, but that's a pretty good joke. Thanks for the laughs my friend.


It wasn't that great though really. It did have its moments but definitely lost the allure of some other hitman games.

And yeah diana looked way too young.


I'm sorry, but in my opinion, it was that great. In fact, it's my favorite Hitman, next to Blood Money.
