Carla - Token Black

Carla is too much out there. She's like the residential token uncle tom. I don't mind perkiness, but she overdoes it to try to get more notice then the others, because the others outshine her so much more. She doesn't contribute much to the show. Its like she's just there because they needed someone black. I find her embarrassing.


I always loved her on Top Chef but she is kinda annoying on this show. Granted, this is the first episode I've seen, but she's really forcing the peppiness.

And what purpose does Clinton really serve? Token... gay? I don't know him to be much of a cook, and it isn't rocket science to make plain granola like he is right now. I find him to be a boring personality even on What Not to Wear. Stacy is the one that really carried that show.



Well said. And as for the post by "Lady Soul," give me a break. I don't know what your ethnicity is, nor do I really care, but why does it bother you so much that Carla is black. Can I also chime in on each co-host's difference. Since Lady Soul wants to find the "tokens" in the group, I submit that each one is a token. Hence, "the Token Blonde, the Token Italian(s), the Token Fat Guy (who I'm finding repulsive, more on that later), and yes the Token gay (metro-sexual)guy. Come on its called Diversity.

And as for Chef Batali, I find his cracks on Daphne Oz insulting. Obviously he isn't concerned with health..obviously, but to make snide remarks towards someone who represents a more healthy view point, is to say the least low class.

Although I don't necessarily agree with a few of her recipes, she has had to come down to their level when it comes to food. For example, A strict vegetarian would never eat a hotdog (she did, and Batali just relished in it) Earlier this week she used table sugar in making lollipops. Once again Chef Batali reamed her with snide, cheap, under cutting comments such as "are there anti-oxidants" in this? "You gonna put psyllium in these." Mind you he didn't go there with Rachel Ray that day. She was making chocolate and bacon waffles, did he ask her about the antioxidants. Those comments are just typical of certain people who have a problem with others who don't live the type of lifestyle they live. There are plenty of things Miss Oz could chop him down with, but who wants to watch two co-hosts battling.

This banter is uncomfortable to watch and has led better known shows to cancellation. The platform is NOT clearly defined (lack of purpose) and there is little to no chemistry with the cast.

I'm hoping for better, but I wouldn't be surprised if ABC is shopping for its replacement.



I dont see Mario as being "under cutting" to Daphne at all. I see them both having fun and poking at each other. I see a great respect between the two and if anything Mario treats her like a daughter.

Also, before this show I knew nothing about Mario and couldnt stand him anytime his show with Gwyn Paltrow came on. This show made me see him in a different light. Actually the same can be said for Daphne as well. The only time I had seen her was as a guest spot on Dr. Oz. I thought she was a spoiled little rich girl who enjoyed telling everybody they were stupid. Basically the pointy little bitch in the opening credits of The Chew. But the show itself made me really like her.


I honestly think it's just her personality coming out more. Top Chef was a high stress situation, so of course she was a lot more subdued there. She probably just drinks a lot of coffee before they film the segment. Maybe you could call her a token black if she expressed a lot of stereotypical characteristics, but as far as I know peppiness is not something that is stereotypically associated with black women.




She has to be the ugliest person I've ever seen.



You guys don't get it.

She works at looking scary.
