
Not being from UK and not being able to have watched it at a proper cinema i just have to ask you guys where on earth can i see it? I highly doubt we will have it on DVD here or so...i for one find it brilliant.....mixing old fashion styled people with all the new techno era and so ^^ So congrats for both a marvelous idea and awesome cast :) ( sorry but my main language is not English...i did my best to express my appreciation...for those of you who do not like it they can shove it up the....oh wait....no...it's Christmas eve.....i can't say tht Oo....oh well....)


I don't know If you want to watch it just because of Tom Hiddleston, But I managed to find it here:


Sorry if the link is not clickable.

P.S. I watched it because I enjoy short films. And Tom Hiddleston. Huge Loki fan.


OMG I LOVE U!! ty soo much <3


It's available on a PAL R2 DVD from Amazon UK, called The Joy of Six. A series of six short films, all of them outstanding in different ways. Released on February 4.


Nah it's ok ^^ i just wanted to see Tom


Tom was in it for literally four seconds...

You know...for kids.


I know and it sucked


It was released to theaters along with other short films under the title STARS IN SHORTS...it may be released on dvd now, also.


Not in Romania my friend:(
