MovieChat Forums > Doomsday Preppers (2011) Discussion > Do any of the episodes talk about sustai...

Do any of the episodes talk about sustainble living or permaculture?

Does this show only focus on the "hoard it and defend it" type strategies or does it go into the strategies that families and communities can prepare for a vastly different world?

Does it touch on sustainability, resilient communities, transition movements, permaculture, aquaculture, aquaponics, renewable energy, water capture, sustainable dwellings, herbal medicine, up-skilling, un-gripping, off-gridding, barter economies etc etc or is it just tinned food and firearms?


No, not really and I think it's unfortunate because it creates a perception that people who prep or live s sustenance lifestyle are all doing it because for farfetched reasons from Biblical Apocalypse to Zombie Apocalypse.

A more realistic show would be like the colony one PBS showed a year or two ago. NatGeo also did a doomsday scenario semi-documentary talking about the fall-out of a post apocalyptic society which none of these preppers features in the show seem to be ready for.



I can only recall 3 swgments on a prepper's aquaponics set-up. One guy converted a swimming pool into it.



Only a bit, remember they are only spending maybe 15 minutes per preppier, they don't have time to get into a lot of detail. But, some of them are already living off grid and off their gardens.

If a day does not require an AK,
it is good
Ice Cube
Warrior Poet


Check out you tube for info by Geoff Lawton, Ben Falk, Jack Spirko, Toby Hemingway, Sepp Holzer for some serious prepping. These guys are creating abundance and making themselves, their communities and future generations truly resilient to all sorts of challenges.
