MovieChat Forums > Doomsday Preppers (2011) Discussion > I hate... all these people

I hate... all these people

personally, I view them all as goatee wearing, ignorant red necks. the effort they put into being idiots is a huge amplifier of the hate. I could get with them maybe in 10 years, but not now. Also they have horrible child names. Anyone else?

I dont always post on, but when I do I make sure I'm hammered.


Not because you hate them, but because:

1) Many of them are more "hippy" than redneck.

2) The few episodes I have seen have not featured goatees and linking anything to facial hair is completely illogical.

3) Your comment about getting with them in 10 years, comes with no additional explanation and makes no sense.

4) Names, really?

You are quite literally a moron. You've reached your conclusion based on completely superficial nonsense.


Yep. Rednecks, which mind you can occur no matter what part of the county, love their goatees way too much. Ignorant males with too much fat on their face think thats the magical answer to all their problems, in most cases its an indication of reduced intelligence and taste. White people (I'm white, mind you) have seriously gotten out of hand with their PRETENTIOUS, idiotic child names which tend to attempt to combine two names into one such as CHASESON. I just made that up. Lastly, what I mean is that in ten years I might be more in agreeance with their level of fear, however not f-ing now. Have a nice day and enjoy your goatee.

I dont always post on, but when I do I make sure I'm hammered.



George Carlin's bit on stupid boy's name seems appropriate here.

And, of course these people are f'n rednecks, they are the epitome of that redneck bs.
