New Season starting...

on Oct. 29th.

Let's all enjoy the new season of idiot preppers, shall we. I know I will.

Have to admit though that some actually have good ideas but not all.


'Have to admit though that some actually have good ideas but not all. '

I agree, I mean the people prepping for the end of the world I just find crazy. But I guess their idea is ok. I'm all for having stuff ready for storms and other natural disasters. I just feel bad for these people b/c they seem to focus on the end/Armageddon, and seem to forget about life. I feel sorry for the kids of these families. I have no problem teaching a kid how to shoot, but to the degree some of these kids have to go through is just sad.

We're in the eye of a sh_tacane ~Mr.Lahey


NatGeo does a severe disservice to their viewers by airing Dumbsday Preppers. They should focus on how the average, non-crazy people could prepare for events that are likely to happen, such as severe weather, long term (5+ days) power outages, events like a train derailment, etc., which would require you to evacuate your home for a week or two. But to focus on the guns, paranoia, and hoarding is absolute insanity.

Hurricane Hunters - We fly into the storm because it's a ton of fun!


I totally agree with you Hurricane, but I dont think the network finds thats exciting enough. Did you know they're also bringing back Life Below Zero also? Both shows are based on the minority of people who live their lives way differently than the majority who live nice normal lives. Shame really.


Yes it is a shame... and an extra shame because NatGeo continues to renew these garbage shows... they still have some quality programming, and should leave the crappy "Reality" shows to Sh!tstory and Discovery....

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


Last night's season premier was classic. The guy in Alaska starts by poaching from the sea and then he makes his teenage daughter cut some steel plate with a jig saw and she ends up bleeding with metal shards in her eye.


These poor, poor kids. And still, these people weren't as bad as some of the people. My favorites are the ones that are preparing for the end of the world by spending all their money and time so it is literally the end of their world.

I like the truly insane people because they remind of the Mr. Show sketch about the guy starting Newfreeland - get off my land


That wasn't even the worst part. Granted, I only saw part of the episode when it re-aired tonight, but just how is that guy going to find his cache? Think about how he established its initial location and why he's prepping for a minute before you answer.

Hurricane Hunters - We fly into the storm because it's a ton of fun!
