MovieChat Forums > Doomsday Preppers (2011) Discussion > Aren't some of them just terrible people...

Aren't some of them just terrible people?

I just saw the episode with the guy who up-roots his family from florida to rural Tennessee due to his fear of "reversed polarization" which is less likely than an alien invasion but anyways.

His whole family looked so depressed and down it was obvious they didn't agree with him. The wife was talking about how they've never been on a family trip or ever go to the movies just prep all the time. I'm thinking this man is robbing his children of a childhood. It's borderline child abuse in my view. It just made me pissed-off, putting his family through all that for the most BS of reasons.

I was actually thinking i hope the kids can run off when their 18 or something and try to live a normal life.



But really that's not much different from the pioneers that took their families out west to settle North America. Of course that was hundreds of years ago, but I wouldn't ever say that was child abuse just because they don't have some easy, innocent childhood.

I'm not agreeing with how these people treat or raise their kids, but it's far from abuse.


"But really that's not much different from the pioneers that took their families out west to settle North America."


Those pioneers brought their families there for the promise of a better life. A lot of of these people are doing the exact opposite by actually giving their family a worst life.

It is very much borderline child abuse, why should these children pay for the fervent paranoia of their dad's? I think going out of your way to NOT provide a comfortable and supportive life for your children is very near child abuse.

Again it's not like these families are poor or struggling a lot of them seem to have money but instead of investing that on real-life things that would help their families they're spending it on bogus efforts. That's the opposite of the pioneer spirit.


"But really that's not much different from the pioneers that took their families out west to settle North America. Of course that was hundreds of years ago, but I wouldn't ever say that was child abuse just because they don't have some easy, innocent childhood. "

Well ya, it was very different.
One is a made up threat in your mind. The other was very real. Figure out which is which.

See, you cant compare people currently escaping north korea to people escaping whatever to go live in the woods and tell their children a light from the sky is going to kill them all one day. Or zombies are going to come and kill everyone. Or whatever insane delusion they have. The people escaping north korea are actually dealing with tyranny, the people escaping whatever are not.

".... Now i have become death, the destroyer of worlds" - Robert Oppenheimer


somebody call CPS right now on this person's kids.


Some of these parents are just too weird and I truly feel sorry for their kids. But it's the parents [U]obsession[/u] with prepping that's the problem. But any obsession is potentially harmful. Look at the Phelphs family of Westboro Baptist Church who force their little kids to picket military funerals with anti-American, anti-gay signs.

It really makes me wonder how far away most of these kids will run when they grow up.


The guy who made his kid kill a goat.


Which episode is that so I don't watch it.


The feeling I get with a lot of these people is that they've invested so much in prepping that, really, they cannot wait for doomsday. Being self sufficient is a commendable thing but some of these people you wouldn't want to spend much time with in a post apocalyptic wasteland. They're just a bit *too* intense and their smugness about being 'right' would be mighty.


This. Think many of them are psychopaths/sociopaths that actually want to kill people. An apocalyptic event would allow them to openly killed people without being prosecuted.
