MovieChat Forums > Doomsday Preppers (2011) Discussion > Take Our Country Back - mega-tsunami gu...

Take Our Country Back - mega-tsunami guy

I was flipping through the channels and stopped on NatGeo long enough to see part of the rerun of this episode. I'm watching this guy, who was supposedly preparing for a mega-tsunami, with his wife and daughter on a boat, dropping a metal cache into the water. OK, I get that. Sounds pretty clever. But then he has his daughter take pictures of the shoreline to help triangulate the drop coordinates of his cache by looking for things like "funny shaped trees and big rocks that are sticking out."

Again, they are preparing for a mega-tsunami. Does anyone else see the major flaw in his plan to recover his cache?

Hurricane Hunters - We fly into the storm because it's a ton of fun!


Hurricane, you are probably the smartest one on this message board. I, too, see the major flaw in his so-called great plan. Too bad he didn't see his own flaw. I guess he never watched the devastation caused by tsunami.


good one... but sadly there are still people that believe this garbage is "real".. I think a roomful of monkeys pecking away at typewriters write the scripts for these shows

"My new don't agree with what I say.. GFY and welcome to my Ignore List"


If only that were true. There are really some deranged people ruining their families in fear of god knows what. The show might or might not be fake, but either way, there are way crazier rednecks out there that won't go on tv.

And, yes, I was laughing when he started burying his stuff in the sea to prepare for a tsunami and was going to find it later by looking for an oddly shaped branch - hea, that's how I find my golf ball when it goes off the fairway, might as well work when the megaultrasuper tsunami rolls through. I'm worried about a huge fire burning down my house, so I doused all my sh(t in gasoline.


It's almost like these people feel a sense of entitlement about their own stuff. I imagine they are thinking "This storm wouldn't dare lay waste to my finely placed cleverly hidden cache." :-)

No sure if the show is fake or not as I have seen that question raised. I just started watching it, but after a while it would be hard to keep this kind of show running because after you go through all the reasonable people, you have to then include the clueless, plus they have to want to be on TV. There are plenty of sane people who do reasonable efforts who just don't want to be a TV cause they aren't into the attention, not cause they are paranoid, but because they don't want to be in the public eye.
