Is Senior really this dumb?

How do you even go about arguing with a guy like this? He can't understand why his sons don't want a relationship, but as recently as the Malaysia episode, you see him making fun of Paul Jr. to his idiot friends on camera (about the rivets on the PJD camaro). Even if he disagreed with you, would your dad talk sh#t about you to his friends? On camera? Would he clearly take pleasure in your failings or missteps? Because Senior does. And then cries that his sons don't trust him.

Damn this guy is frustrating. An ounce of self-awareness on his part would clear this whole controversy up in an afternoon. I guess that would make for bad ratings, though. Which is probably the real trouble. He's too easily manipulated by the TV producers.

Either that or he is just really, really dumb.

But what do I know...even when I'm wrong, I write.

