MovieChat Forums > Any Day Now (2013) Discussion > Is This Still a Problem in 2013?

Is This Still a Problem in 2013?

I had a favorite professor in college who was gay, and he and his partner adopted a child, but the adoption took place in South America. Is adoption of children still a problem in 2013? and if so, what is the basis for the denial of the application for adoption? I realize the results may vary state to state depending on the law, but just wondering.


I think the biggest problem nowadays is if the partners can't get married in that state and one of them dies the other can lose custody of the child.

I think the main reason gay people adopt from other countries is the same reason a lot of straight couples do, there just aren't that many American babies available and the fees and wait lists are very high/long and you may be passed over completely for someone "better"


Yes. There are groups going state to state making sure to disparage gay people and making sure that adoption/fostering is taken away from gays. Josh Duggar and his group the Family Research Council are heavily into bringing to light the name of gays and destroying their lives. Family Research Council is categorized as a hate group in the USA.


After what I have heard, it's still a problem in USA.

It's definitely a problem in Russia, there even if you are the child's mother/father, they will take the child from you if you are "proven" lesbian/gay man. Russia won't even adopt away children to other countries anymore, due to them possibly "falling into gay hands".

In France I'm unsure if the verdict has fallen, but it is protested highly.

In Norway it is theoretically fine and allowed, but the process is twice as hard and few other countries are open to adopt children to homosexual and lesbian couples.

And these are the "progressive" countries. In many countries you can still be sentenced to death for being a homosexual, or suspected of such.

So, yeah, 2013 and the world is still a bit of a *beep*

If you wish to be moved:


About after 8 years when this movie takes place, my husband and i became the first gay couple to adopt in our state, three HIV boys. we had problems but worked around them, it was a different time than today or when the movie took place.
