U.S. release date

Does any know when the U.S. release date might be?


"" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT ""


May 11, saw the screening for it yesterday. Very entertaining. It's always interesting how a director from a different culture tells this type of story.

"We have guided missiles and misguided men."


Awesome news!

""It's always interesting how a director from a different culture tells this type of story.""

This is why I love foreign movies, as well as traveling the world and experience different cultures! There is so much to learn and experience, if you only step outside of your little box.

Thanks for the update MCMF!


"" luoS siH eM dloS liveD ehT ""


I saw it this afternoon. A mixed bag, often amateurish, but Act 3 redeems the film, giving it some genuine pathos and heart.
