It's on Netflix!

So watch to your hearts content.


Yea I just wasted an hour and a half.


I just watched in on Netflix. Usually I check the reviews here, and don't watch unless it's at least a five. I was doing some other stuff so I figured I'd give this one a try.

Wow! Best Movie Ever!

Ok, ok, not best movie ever. But better than I was expecting. Which wasn't much.

Just like in the stock market, beating expectations is all you need...


Yep! That's where I caught it. In the well-populated genre of found-footage films, this has got to be one of the most unintentionally funny entries. The two lead characters (the two young girls - the one named Trish specifically) are insufferable. Trish mousy voice narration alone makes this movie worth watching - to bad film afficionados. When the "surprise" ending arrives, she should've been in the car's passenger seat, if you know what I mean (lol).
I smell a future cult film (a la BIRDEMIC).

