MovieChat Forums > Tape 407 (2012) Discussion > There is just too much wrong with this m...

There is just too much wrong with this movie

The camera work looked like it was done in a 9.0 earthquake. It's possibly the worst camera work I've seen to date in a movie of this type. The acting of certain people when facing the camera was so obvious that it was fake. Like the Australian Marshall when they stood there and heard screams coming from the woods. The way she stood there and pretended to look into the darkness and listen was so fake. Amatuer hour at it's finest.

Oh I'm not stopping there. Infact I've only just begun!. The Air Marshall couldn't shoot for *beep* either. She must have trained with an air rifle and not a real gun at training camp. She then chased after the journalist guy when he tried to sacrifice himself in a true burned out horror cliche style so the three bitches could get away. Dumb bastard that she was (and he was too for sacrificing himself - let one of the bitches do it for a *beep* change!).

The moment I saw the snout coming in the front door when they tried to close the hut door. I knew it was a Raptor or some sort of dinosaur. That right there killed the mystery stone dead. It no longer became a half decent affair. It became a joke of a monster movie instead. BAD IDEA to make it a monster movie (well dinosaur movie I mean). I don't know, I mean, for some reason I would have accepted reanimated dead or aliens type creatures or something. But dinosaurs sounds (and was) just lame!.

The characters OMF were they ever so annoying. I think, to be honest, the lovely Jessie was one of the only decent ones of the entire crowd. Her then maybe Charlie once we got to know him more. He spoke his mind in every situation which pissed off the cry baby bastards among the crowd. In one scene Charlie (the big guy) offered his condolences to another guy who just lost his wife who must have went down with the front half of the plane. Well right after he did so, he asked the guy if he spotted any food and water when the guy was out searching for his wife. This is when the guy got up and tried to attack Charlie. I know the guy was suffering a loss and all that. But he had no right to do that to Charlie. He did no wrong in that particular instant. If I was Charlie I would have put that piece of *beep* down where he stood, coming at him all aggresive. Just because he was hurt doesn't mean he should have taken it out on someone else. Charlie should have floored the prick right there and then.

The ending was just so cliched so it was. Everyone getting killed. The movie should have ended when the guy shot Jessie and her sister Trish. Once he picked the camera up and stared into it and then spoke on the radio about the clean up being over with - the credits should have rolled right there. But no they go and give us a crappy monster movie type ending. I am completely disappointed with the ending. Such a let down. Having the guy shoot the girls in cold blood and walking away with the camera would have worked better. Movie makers need to get out of the mentality that women must survive or they all must die type of endings. It's tiresome to see all the time. It's movies like this that end up causing you to root for the baddie due to the insistance of using these burned out cliches that plague the horror genre.

Tape 407 - 4/10

"25 years on we're playing heavier than we've ever played. That's the beauty of Testament"


Agreed. Just some idiot things about this movie. One, everyone says they have flown on planes before. If you have and you put bags in the overhead bins in the back of the plane you will see supplies. First Aid, blankets, etc. Two, the hostest area is in the back of the plane, so why did they sit there 45 minutes and not get water or supplies? Nobody tried to give ANY simple first aid except for the belt on the girls wound. Why did the air mashall not announce herself immediately? She is trained to take charge. Why did Charlie suddenly become a good guy? Man, I could go on and on. Forget the plot or the crappy shaky camera, its like they were making up the movie as they went along. And for me, the found video plot and (SPOILERS) no one survives, is just getting old. It begs the question of why we are watching this crappy shakey video if it was never found? Why don't you just do a high quality one if the video was never found. No found video equals no need for shakey video exploitation movie.


Extremely valid questions those. Yes indeed.

As for the last part of your post. I completely agree on that too. Found footage is supposed to be a public event thing where the footage is made public even though the people in it have vanished or are dead. Now as you said, the footage here would never have been made public in the first place. Not considering the whole dinsaur secret experiments area they landed in when the plane crashed. Makes no sense and does not give the movie a realistic feel to it by choosing this idea as the way to go.

The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity and The Tunnel and a few others out there fall into the right category for found footage. But this movie looks like it should have played out as a normal movie but they filmed it in the FF category instead. So as to try and cash in on the FF craze at the moment. It doesn't work.

"25 years on we're playing heavier than we've ever played. That's the beauty of Testament"


One thing I noticed right away is that everybody's makeup wounds look exactly the same, cut on same side of the head, same angle, same blood drip style, which I thought was pretty funny.

My Music:


I never noticed that. Funny though, I should have since they were survivors of a plane crash and the wounds were so visible. Guess that the movie had my mind wandering elsewhere and I missed that.

"The veil of deceit around you it flows. My dagger is drawn, pay what you owe!."


The "air marshal" was firing without any regard of where she was shooting. She probably had one, two other clips at best on her. So why not conserve your ammo, especially since you know there are creatures/animals out there. She was firing in all directions in the dark. No trained air marshal or cop shots like that- even when panicked.

Dumb, dumb, dumb...


Sorry Trioxin_Zombie but the ending was actually what made the film feel so much better for me. A 10/10 for the ending.
