MovieChat Forums > Tape 407 (2012) Discussion > But wait, what about the . . .?

But wait, what about the . . .?

Many have maligned this movie for cheap sets, bad acting, and weak script -- scratch that, no script, since most acting was improv.

I agree.

But there was one gem of an idea that got lost in the chaos of filming.

At the one point in the movie where they find the shack as temporary safe refuge from whatever was attacking them, one of the characters, the surviving husband makes an astute observation.

He noted that unlike most animals, whatever was attacking them was not hungry. Hungry animals attack and eat their prey. Those who were attacked were not eaten just maimed to death.

Nothing much was explored on this clever plot point.

Of course, one plausible explanation is the creature defending her eggs. But the creature's actions were excessive to the point of disregarding her eggs.


"Maimed to death"?





I believe the word you were going for was "mauled". It's hard to be maimed to death.



The word 'maimed' is acceptable and correct even though 'mauled' is more commonly used.



If you think about it most stars of these films that are the monsters usually kill for killings sake. But in this the characters mentioned it and nothing was built on the fact. I'd have had the eggs hatch and the mother monster let the babies practice on the female child
