The only downside....

I never thought I'd be so turned off by Jack Whitehall...a bit sad, really. Other than that, loved the show. Really looking forward to seeing where it goes.


Turned off how? We were supposed to dislike his character.

Unless you mean his acting, I thought he did ok, he played the posh entitled twit pretty well.


Disagree. I thought he was the best of the bunch.


I've only seen Whitehall do comedy, and in that I find him entirely talentless and painfully unfunny.

He's one of a new wave of comedians pushed by the BBC and C4 who leave me constantly dumbstruck as to how they get air time. I'm amazed at how they were even given the chance, never mind at how their cringe-worthy antics are shoved down our throats on every evening panel in existence.

I've seen comedians try their hands at acting before and fall hard on their faces - see Ed Byrne's attempt a few years back.

I shouldn't judge before I've seen it, I know. I'm sorry... well I'm not - I suppose I probably should be, but my dislike for talentless fools like Whitehall overpowers all. I'm sure he was as *beep* as he is when he tries to make people laugh.


I too am not a fan of Whitehalls, but he is actually okay in this shockingly


I agree with your first line entirely. As a stand-up comedian he doesn't impress.

But in this show, in this role he is truly excellent. On the back of this performance, he should develop his acting and drop the comedy.


He's still better than that god awful Russell Howard though lol.


He got into the business thanks to nepotism, I believe. I didn't find him funny in this at all.

America and Pakistan have gone from 'in a relationship' to 'its complicated'


I'm actually a huge Jack Whitehall's just his character was such a twat in the first episode.


Quite a few people seem to be getting mixed up between liking the characters as though they are real people and assessing whether they are good in the show - one of my mates hangs around with people like J.P and I think they are tools to a man, as I would do J.P if he was an actual person I met. But he's not a real person, he's a character, and I think he makes the show - he has most of the best lines (if only to laugh at him saying things like Apocolash) and has the best interplay with other characters.


It's quite easy to do, as they are all stereotypical characters
